The Importance Of Protein Rotation

The Importance Of Protein Rotation

For those of you who have already made the jump over to raw for your pet your on the right track. For those of you who haven't please check out some of our other information and see if you cannot be swayed to feeding your dog our cat raw.

This article is directed for those of you currently feeding raw and those planning to feed raw.

Not All “Chickens” Are Created Equally

Although you have already made leaps and bounds in the direction of good health and wellbeing for your loved pets it's important to know that not all proteins are created equally. This also means that not all raw foods are created equally. Keep in mind that you get what you pay for. I don't mean go buy the most expensive raw, but keep in mind that if someone is selling you a “raw dog food” for less than you could buy that meat for from the grocery store. Odds are it's not of the quality you would want to feed a loved one and that includes your pets.

Not All Protein Is Created Equally

So although in our recipes we use high quality chicken’s and other meats it is important to keep in mind the nutritional value in a chicken good differ greatly from that of the nutritional value of beef or fish. On top of that we need to keep in mind your specific dog or cat breed may need more of the nutrients from lamb meat and less from turkey or vise versa. They could also be more prone to absorbing nutrition from pork than from chicken. You get the drift.

The Wild Animal Theory

When dogs were in the wild they would not be eating chicken everyday. They would one day hunt maybe a rabbit and the next a squirrel and maybe as a group take down a deer. The odds a dog in the wild would catch the same animal multiple days or weeks in a row is nearly impossible.

Dogs Need Balance Over Weeks Or Months Not Days

Its very important to know as a dog owner that dogs don't need to get every different nutrition on the planet in one meal or one week but that it's important over the period of a month or more that we balance out their diet.

Would You Eat Turkey Everyday & Every Meal For the Rest of Your Life?

Be honest would you have just turkey or just duck for everyone of your meals every single day for your entire life? I think not. Not only would you start to hate the taste, but you could build an allergy and get sick. So why would we feed our loved animals the same thing every day for their entire life?

So first thing. Make sure you are buying a high quality raw for your pet. I believe starting your dog on a single protein for a week or two well they adjust to the new raw diet is best. After that though it's all hands on deck, I would recommend rotating  minimum of 3 proteins throughout a month.

You can change it up from day to day or week to week whatever works best for you. For example I feed my dog Tahlia Beef one week, Pork the next, Lamb the week after that and so on until we arrive back at Beef and repeat the rotation.
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  • Hi there,
    I’ve been feeding my bully mix your complete blends since the beginning of our changeover to raw (about 8 months ago). We started off with turkey and I’ve increased her proteins to a rotation of Turkey, Duck, Pork and Beef. I’ve been rotating the proteins every meal, so in retrospect she’s getting 4 different proteins in 2 I doing it wrong? Should I be keeping her on one protein for much longer?

  • Hi Donna, with raw food you can switch from protein to protein each meal as long as the dog is okay with the protein there should be no problems!

    We just recommend for people just beginning raw from kibble that they give their dog 2-3 weeks on one protein for the dog to get used to raw in the first place!

  • I feed my dog raw chicken. Is it OK to rotate to beef and fish with out slowly changing over? Can he switch day to day without issue? He has been eating raw chicken for quite a while


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